Frequently asked Questions
● Forums related ●
Q: How do I post a thread?● Forums related ●
A: Every section (Excluding specific once) has a button for you to post a thread!
Q: How do I upload files in a thread such as an image?
A: Use the “Upload a file” button at the bottom of your thread creation box!
Q: How do I make a spoiler?
A: The “Insert” button is where it's located!
Q: My thread is in the wrong section! What do I do?
A: If no staff member moves your thread to the appropriate section, please use open a private conversation (PM) with staff so they're able to locate it correctly.
Q: How do I delete a thread?
A: If you've created a thread there's no possible way for you to delete it, you may ask staff for removal but they must choose if they see it is required or isn't. So please keep in mind what you post on our forums.
Q: How do I create a "Private Conversation", or "PM"?
A: You are able to start a conversation through the "Inbox" drop-down menu in the corner, in between your name and "Alerts". There, you need to click "Start a conversation" and invite the participants you want. You can also make it so they cannot add other participants, or so that they can't respond to it.
Q: How do I disable email alerts?
A: You can enable/disable email alerts (and other features) through your “Preferences” menu on your profile!
Q: I don’t want people looking at my page! How do I put a stop to that?
A: If you wish to nobody looking at your profile or want only people you follow to be able to see? Or nobody at all, then locate the "Privacy" section on your profile & change it as you may see it fit.